Become an OWF Volunteer
We seek volunteers to join the following committees and become more active in Ojai Women’s Fund. Involvement as a member in can be at any level you choose. You can attend events, pay your membership fees and just vote, volunteer for a single event or join a committee and be engaged over time. Please consider joining one of these committees: Communications & Marketing; Education & Events; Grants Committee; Membership Committee; and, Finance Committee. Here are the open positions. If you are interested, please contact [email protected]. Communications & Marketing Committee Kathleen Kaiser and Jennifer Jones, Co-Chairs • Are you a social media whiz? Manage our presence on Facebook and Instagram. • Do you like taking photos? See your photos in our newsletters or blogs. • Are you technically savvy? Work with our web designer to post blogs and update the OWF website. So, you love to write? We’ve got opportunities for you to interview members, write press releases, email, newsletters, and more. This committee is responsible for internal and external communications that include duties like making additions to the OWF website, social media, newsletters, voter pamphlets, press releases and invitations to events. Education & Events Joann Yabrof and Jenny Taft, Co-Chairs • Enjoy a party? All phases of setting up to tearing down are always needed. • Is food more your thing? Plan a menu and theme or serve food at an event. The Education Committee organizes lectures, panel discussions and/or events to educate OWF members about needs in the Ojai Valley and the nonprofits serving our community. Grants Committee Catherine Meek and Polly Nelson, Co-Chairs • Are you interested in being at the heart of OWF’’s mission to make grants? Be a part of researching who is on the ballot. • Do you like to read with a critical eye to making a difference in Ojai’s needs in the Valley? Help read the dozens of grant applications and meet with your research team. • Are you concerned about the arts? Education? Environment? Health? Social Services? Lead one of our teams to select nonprofits to be on our ballot who are doing just that. The Grants Committee is at the heart of OWF’s mission to make grants to nonprofits targeting critical needs in the Ojai Valley. The committee team members receive the applications, review, assess and recommend grant applicants for final voting by the OWF membership in our five charitable interest areas (arts, education, environment, health, and social services). All activities take place June - August. Membership Committee Gayle Whitaker and Donna Freiermuth, Co-Chairs • Do you like to orient new members? Plan and organize new member orientation. • Is data your sweet spot? Help maintain our databases of members. • Are you a planner and organizer? Help recruit new members • Are you skilled at leadership? Volunteer to organize our group leaders. The Membership Committee recruits and retains OWF members, provides direction for group leaders and manages the membership databases. Activities involve New Member Orientation, Recruitment Events, Group Leaders meetings, and other New Group gatherings, as needed. |